Hey there,

High Powered Leader. Entrepreneur. Parent. Human.

I help you create energy and ease in your high demand life without complicated self-care routines or lengthy appointments.

I spent years healing my own disordered eating and exercise patterns, learning to live a pain free embodied life and ending entrepreneurship grind while navigating parenthood ... and helping clients do the same!

Ready to learn intuitive, neurologically informed habits to reduce stress and increase productivity so that Creativity and Life can naturally flow into your body, work, relationships and community?? Let's connect.




I'm a business owner, practitioner and facilitator, Creative and a Mom.

I've learned through trauma, failed business models, entrepreneurship successes, partnership and parenthood that responsivenesslove, fitness and productivity can coexist within the chaos of day to day operations and growth phases

I'm here to teach you how to navigate your nervous system, habits and physical body, so that you can use them to create a life of Leadership in Flow.

Stay tuned. Hop on my email list. Reach out. I can't wait to share what's next.